The Things They Carried 10 - Row Discussion pgs. 180 - 207
In the Darkness

"I was the beast on their lips--I was Nam--the horror, the war."

The Things They Carried - Row Discussion pgs 180-207 :   "Ghost Soldiers" is a very intense chapter.  It also echoes Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (I give the students a handout with the last page of that novel along with the lyrics to "Those Were the Days" (mentioned importantly in the chapter).- especially the ending.  Tim longs to get revenge on a fellow soldier (an idea we shall see soon again in All Quiet on the Western Front) - and when he gets it - he finds out that he has become what he has tried to avoid - what he has promised himself he would never beThe descriptions for these lessons are going to be, pretty much... the same.  We will discuss that day's reading - starting with the students.  Every student (who read) will have a chance to contribute.  One thing that I found, is the fact that they will have to directly contribute to the discussion, makes it even more likely that the students will do the reading (they still get a quiz though).  After a the students have their say - the teacher gets a chance to bring in anything they may have missed.  Of course - they will say so many brilliant things that some of them get added to the lesson - for the next year (or the next period).

Lesson Overview 

REMEMBER - remind the students that for the next, and final discussion, they are required to bring in one specific thing (question, comment, quote) from the novel.  There is no row assignment for the next lesson - it is Ringmaster Teacher.  The class begins - as most classes do - with a quiz.  After the quiz, we begin at one end of the room and go down each row (columns, really).  I give the students a handout with the last page of that novel along with the lyrics to "Those Were the Days" (mentioned importantly in the chapter.  The student will give their comment, question, quote, link - or whatever (they have five prepared (by having five prepared, if someone else takes their favorite thing they want to bring up, they have four backups) - see my page on Class Discussions).    Here is the description from the handout they received (and I will repost below as well) for their preparation instructions:
You will be responsible for having reread/gone over your chapter (based on your row number) and having ideas, quotes, comments, questions, observations ready to bring into our discussion in class.  We are counting on you  For that chapter you must find the following:  THIS time – you must have really good example, and they must be written out on a sheet of paper, though that sheet of paper may just explain your point and reference the quote so it can be easily found in your book.  We can’t waste time while you look for the text that your point is referencingYou must FIND all 5 of these – not just one – though you can find more than these.

0. The plot of the story/chapter that your page numbers occur within

1. Two notable quotes that are important to the story. Be ready to get a discussion going on the quote – why is it important?  The quotes may “make you think,” “be related to something else,” or “just be pretty!”

2. A connection to earlier in the book – something that references back to what we read earlier – or becomes clearer – or deepens or explain a mystery from earlier in the reading – or that gives us more insight into a character – this can be a quote, an idea, an image, even a phrase.  Think of previous chapters.

3. Connections to other works include – (“Soldier’s Home”, Candide, The History of Love, The Graduate, “The Night Face Up”, “The Metamorphosis”, “The Allegory of the Cave”, Everything is Illuminated (movie), The Return of Martin Guerre (movie),the poems we read (from all of the works we’ve covered)- and any other work of Literary Merit – including books (ie Grendel), plays (Macbeth) from last year.  I expect a lot in terms of these connections – they should be significant (not superficial) and show an awareness that while the connections were not intentional (what really is) the connections themselves show a grasp of many of the ideas that we’ve covered in World Literature up to this point.

4.Any other comments, questions, or ideas that occur to you about your chapter.  Again, these should be specific, significant, and often subtle and powerful.  Be thoughtful.  Big things may include the chapter titles.

We then begin at the front of the room - in the first row (column) and complete their reading section.  For instance, on Day 1 of Row Reading - Row 1 has the Chapter called "Love".  We go through that Row - and that section of reading - every student giving their favorite (best?) of the 5 specific pieces they have prepared.  After the student makes their comment (or quote, connection, question, etc) a short discussion should ensue.  Short is the key word here as  you want to make sure that you have enough time to get to every student in the classroom.  Sometimes, and this is so great, a student will raise their hand and say that their item - addresses what the student just said - so the teacher needs to be flexible.  The more organic the discussion, the better.  After the row is done - I bring up any parts from that section ("Love" in this case) that the students didn't get to - and that I feel is very important.  I must admit - in most cases most of the items I want to discuss, get brought up by the students first - which is always preferrable. 

IMPORTANT: I also inform the students - at the beginning of the first day of Row Reading Discussion, but I also periodically remind them.  That if they didn't finish the reading, they should physically move to a Row - of where they did get to - and prepare one thing to say.  I like the procedure a lot.  You are not punishing the students for not having done the reading - and you really want to engage them and hear their voice on the book - which, in turn, makes it more likely that they will do the reading next time.

My notes on the day's reading & a sample reading page

PLEASE NOTE:  Again, these notes of mine are given at the appropriate time (after the row of students give their thoughts) - I will post a blank copy below so you can do the same.  As always - I try to give these ideas through the least pointed questions possible - allowing as much student critical - thinking as possible.  In some of these - there will be different numeration next to the Rows (some classes are smaller than others, and it's easy to adjust). 

A blank row reading chart  Docx    PDF

This is for teachers to make their own notes on the section.

See above for instructions - the text with my notes served as a guide for the questions, comments and ideas that I ask - though I was always ready for and often elicited the students ideas, questions, etc.  Over the years - as I wrote notes in this text - the previous years' notes and questions become incorporated into the lesson.  Again - you will find that these instructions are flexible - and I had to be - they kept changing the amount of time that we had in the classroom. 

Handouts & Quizzes

Most Recent Handouts & Quizzes  

Handout with last page of The Heart of Darkness & "Those Were the Days" lyrics  

Handout with last page of The Heart of Darkness & "Those Were the Days" lyrics    Docx     PDF
Both of these texts play an important part in this reading and are given out to the students so they can reference and annotate (directly).

Row Reading Schedule for the rest of the book

Row Reading Schedule for the rest of the book  Docx   PDF -  This schedule will instruct the students what they will need to have prepared (on a sheet of paper - with the text and the page number) for that day in class.  They are to read everything that is assigned and take notes on anything in the reading - but when we have a class discussion, they need to have five things prepared (see the handout for what 5 things) from this specific section based on where they sit in the classroom.  This handout is in addition to the bookmark that they have which tells them what they will be quizzed on.  What they are to bring in (the 5 things) are especially designed to help them make connections in the novel - and to spark discussion.


Reading Quiz pages 180-207 :  Docx   PDF   (this was also given in the last reading)

Remote Enhancements 

See the Opening Lesson for how I put students into Rows remotely.  In my case it was actually the rows from the Gallery View of Google Meet.


"Those Were the Days" - the song - plays an important part in this chapter.  In fact, I often play it during the quiz to put the students into the mood - and I also often ask an extra credit question about the importance of what they're hearing.

Class Recordings (for registered members)




The Things They Carried Day 11 - A Final Discussion:  Though this is initially a Teacher Led (Ringmaster Teacher) discussion - the second half of the class is given over to the comments, questions, quotes that each student has brought in for the discussion.  There is obviously a lot to cover - once more the metaphysical rug is pulled out from under us - we learn about Timmy's "girlfriend" that caused the death of his best friend - and the childhood that he is trying to heal by writing this book - which may not, in the end, be a book solely about Vietnam - as much as it is about every trauma and sadness that we all must bear and must carry around with us.


  The Things They Carried Eight  - Row Reading 155-179

Thoughts on the Lesson 

There is a lot of ambiguity in this novel.  Tim wants revenge and finds it isn't what he had thought it would be.  Like Vietnam.  Like what's happened to him.  This idea will appear again in our next book: All Quiet on the Western Front.  The men in that book exact revenge on a much hated drill seargent.  Afterwards, one of the mens says, "Revenge is black pudding."