Candide 2 - Wolves and Men Group Work:  Chapts. 2-4

 "Men...must have somewhat altered the course of nature; for they were not born wolves, yet they have become wolves."

Lesson Overview 

See the Group Work for specific instructions on this lesson.  By now the students have been working in groups for a while - as soon as they finish the quiz, the will put it on my desk and push desks together and get started on the group work - they will have the rest of the period to finish it.   It is also important to grade those quizzes right away - as they turn them in - so you can see who read - and who did not.  The students know that if they didn't read, they are not allowed to get into a group and must instead do the reading now (for Candide, as short as it is, they can probably read in about 1/2 the period).  When they finish reading, they may get started on the Group Work by themselves (OR - if another student didn't do the reading they can work on part of it together (turning in what they get done, and finishing the rest for homework - or they can each write, and turn it in tomorrow).  In any case - there should be no penalty for students who didn't read turning in the group work the next day - they have already paid the grade price on their quizzes and having to do the Group Work for homework.  

More on Group Work can be found here.


Most Recent Handouts & Quizzes  

Group Work Chapts. 2-4   Docx  PDF  I usually have these and the quizzes on two separate desks so the students can pick them up on their way in - and get started on the quiz right away.  Remind them to turn the Group Work over (it might have quiz answers on it).

Chris Hedges Speech    Docx   PDF    This  speech about War (and people not wanting to hear it) was introduced in our very first lesson - and the group work references it as well.

Reading Quiz 3-4  Docx  PDF

 Reading Quiz 1-4  Docx  PDF    (Sometimes the reading schedule changes - or you are absent.  This covers the first two readings.)

Audio Visual Content


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Class Recordings (for registered members)




Candide 3


  Candide 1 - Opening Discussion

Thoughts on the Lesson 

This particular version of the group work was done for a day that I couldn't be there (I was absent).  It's always interesting to see how a class will behave - and the qualitiy of the work that is turned in when you are gone.  I always used to tell my principal that if she really wanted to see about my teaching - observe the class on a day that I wasn't there.