All Quiet 13 - No Man's Home: A Vertext Disc Chapter 7 pt 2 -8

"A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends."

All Quiet on the Western Front - No Man's Home - Chapters 7 pt 2 to 8 Vertext Discussion :  The students have already talked about Chapter 7, Part 2 in the last lesson - in a Group Work.  However - that section of Chapter 7 - when Paul is home from leave goes so incredibly well with Chapter 8 - when Paul is assigned to the prisoner of war camp - that we will go over it as a class - mainly focusing on those parts not covered in the Group Work.  I call this lesson, "No Man's Home" because it becomes a 2nd "No Man's Land" for Paul.  It is between those two worlds of "Home" and "Front" that have been talked about since the beginning of this our discussions on this novel.  Paul is neither "home" nor can he leave the "front" behind.  I found a Vertext - using the words from the text to spark conversation about these feelings and the rest of what happens in this chapter, ideal.

Lesson Overview 

 Please see the page on Class Discussions for more on Vertexts.  Remember, have students read the quotes - I usually start on one side of the room and just go down the rows so that every student will get a chance to read.  Sometimes, I will also ask the student reading the quote to make a comment on it - but usually after the quote is read - the discussion on it is open to everyone in the class.

Some main points covered in this Lesson (see the Vertext below)

Vertext Chapters 7 (part 2) and Chapter 8  

A Vertext is such a great way to cover a lot of material when you need to - and at the same time let the discussion be led by the students.  Because the page numbers are included - in fact, students are asked to say the page number before they read the quote - it also gives students a chance to see what they saw when they did the reading on their own.

Most Recent Quizzes

Quiz Chapter 8      Docx    PDF

As always - without a quiz, I believe the teaching is pretty empty.  Students need to actually do the reading - and do it on their own.  Today's lesson is a great example of this.  When they see - about the men and the horses - and they've already read it - and some of them will have marked it up (on their own) - the experience can be transformational.

Remote Enhancements 

Of course a discussion works in Remote - and a Vertext can really help keep the Vertext focused as well as making sure the questions and answers are student-centered.



Class Recordings 

Audio of a Class Discussion using a Vertext for Chapters 7 (pt 2) & 8

If you listen, I strongly urge you to download and follow along with the Vertext (see above) - but keep in mind it may have changed slightly from when this Vertext was recorded.


All Quiet on the Western Front 14 -  Chapter 9 - The Death of Gerard Duvall:


  All Quiet on the Western Front 12  - Chapter 7 Part 2 - Group Work

Thoughts on the Lesson 

Though it rarely happens (due to time) I think it's a great thing when there is an overlap between the Group Work and the Class Discussion.  In this case it is the second part of Chapter 7.  That overlap lets the students see what their classmates saw that they may have missed and it allows the teacher to see things that are born in the work that comes out of thier groups.