Remote Teaching (Away to Teach)
"Our two souls therefore, which are one, / Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion, / Like gold to airy thinness beat." John Donne
Durning the Pandemic, Remote Teaching was quickly thrust upon us (students, parents, teachers). For the last 4 months of the 2019-2020 school year, we were completely Remote. For the next school year, 2020-2021 - we began as Remote, and then transitioned for the last quarter and a half as a hybrid of in class and Remote Teaching. My (and I believe my classes's) experience during that year was - surprisingly - phenomenal. In fact, it was one of my best years of teaching ever. This part of the website (borrowing the old website's name - Away to Teach) will try to look at exactly how that happened, and to share whatever successes that I had.
For now, for many of the lessons that I taught over the past three years, you can find a section in that Lesson Page where remote resources can be found. Most likely, this will be a Power Point presentation that was used to help make that lesson work for Remote Teaching - or it may be a video, an audio file, or something completely different.