World Literature - An Outline
"I used to be an obsessive outliner - figuring that writing without an outline was like jumping off a cliff and building a parachute on the way down." Robin Wasserman
World Literature Outline using Google Classroom
The following outline is derived from my 2021 to 2022 year of teaching (my final year) and gives a good idea of the scope and sequence of what we did in the classroom. If you click on ALL - you will get everything - while any other choice is broken down with a lot more information for what each lesson and unit entailed (again - all of this coming from the Google Classroom view that students would have seen.
2021 - 2022
ALL (the entire year) IMAGE PDF
Beginning of the Year IMAGE PDF
The Things They Carried IMAGE PDF
All Quiet on the Western Front IMAGE PDF
Dante & Pablo Neruda IMAGE PDF
Something Beautiful About this Place IMAGE PDF
Classwork for Weds (02/02/22) IMAGE PDF
Illuminated Text Tutorials IMAGE PDF
Extra Credit Poetry Assignment IMAGE PDF
The House on Mango Street IMAGE PDF
Short Stories / Poems Semester 2 IMAGE PDF