The Graduate (Movie & Questions)

"Mr. Braddock: Ben, what are you doing?  /  Benjamin: Well, I would say that I'm just drifting. Here in the pool.  

Mr. Braddock: Why?  /Benjamin: Well, it's very comfortable just to drift here."

The Graduate - A Movie & Questions:  Students will watch a film - answering some questions immediately - and more involved thinking prompts at home.  This movie will tie itself, critical thinking wise, not only to Candide but to The History of Love as well.

Lesson Overview 

The Graduate Movie Questions (see my page on Movie Questions)Why The Graduate?  There are two (make that three) very powerful reasons - 1) The main character's drifting and passivity (accompanied by an incredible naivete) perfectly match that Candide's title character.  2) That same aimlessness and feeling overwhelmed by society's expectations (Plastics, anyone?) is what so many of our students are currently expiencing.  My World Literature Class is made up of seniors who will, in a few short months, be graduating and will face many of the same situations as the film's Ben Braddock.  3)  There is an incredible exchannge between Ben and Mrs. Robinson in the movie - where they are asking each other questions - and she says that she isn't interested in Art - but a few minutes later, he finds out that she was an Art Major in college.  Almost this exact kind of scene - and its intergenerational implications is found in The History of Love - when Alma's uncle asks her what she wants to do when she grows up (be an Artist she says to please him because she knows his wife has lost - or never really had - interest in it).

See the handout or my page on Movie Questions  for more instructions on this film.  Remember - what is NOT ITALICISED is to be answered while watching the movie; what IS ITALICISED is to be done at home (and is more of an essay).  The follwing is taken directly from the handout: As you watch this movie, please answer the following questions.  Most of them are simple content questions, though a few (esp. the Metaphor Alert questions) will require a bit more thought than can be given during your actual viewing (think about these and answer them later).  You should also jot down any connections between this movie and the novel, Candide, that occur to you.

NOTE: THERE ARE IMPLIED (and direct) SEXUAL REFERENCES, VERY BRIEF (SUBLIMINAL) NUDITY, AND A SCENE AT A STRIP CLUB IN THIS FILM.   It is possible to skip those scenes or to unfocus them if you are using a projector - or to edit them out if you are techhh-savvy.  In any case, you want to make sure you have everyone's ok - parents, administration, etc. before showing this movie.

The Movie - The Graduate

Here is the description taken from JustWatch (a site that tells you where a movie is streaming): "Benjamin, a recent college graduate very worried about his future, finds himself in[volved] with an older woman and her daughter.."   The trailer can be found here.

Handout (Movie Questions)

Most Recent Handouts & Quizzes

Movie Questions:  Docx   PDF   NOTE: THERE ARE IMPLIED (and direct) SEXUAL REFERENCES, VERY BRIEF (SUBLIMINAL) NUDITY, AND A SCENE AT A STRIP CLUB IN THIS FILM.   It is possible to skip those scenes or to unfocus them if you are using a projector - or to edit them out if you are techhh-savvy.  In any case, you want to make sure you have everyone's ok - parents, administration, etc. before showing this movie.

PLEASE NOTE (FOR THIS HANDOUT) - the immediate questions are NOT boldfaced, but the at-home thoughtful questions are italicized.  From the handout: Aside from some very specific connections (see yesterday's and today's questions) there is a greater link between Candide and The Graduate, between the characters of Ben and Candide.  In all of his travels what was it that Candide seemed to be doing?  Was it simply about finding Cunégonde, or did it go beyond that?  What did he find in the end (was the end point Cunégonde or was it the garden?)  What is Ben looking for (how does the song above fit into this)?  Do you (as seniors or advanced juniors) ever find yourself in the same situation as Ben?  Have you ever felt "underwater" with people pushing you under?  During the movie today, think about these larger connections (and write them down of course)

Audio Visual Content

Again - here is the link to - where you can find where The Return of Martin Guerre is streaming.   Here is the page on Amazon where you can find physical copies of the film for sale.

Remote Enhancements 

It is more than possible to watch films together with your class - usually that means having the  video you are watching on your computer and sharing the screen with students.  You can also keep the comment window open to share things with them (just don't get too distracting).  You can also see if they are paying attention or not.  In the case of this movie - if you are able  - I would edit the objectionable scenes out or put an out of focus mask in front of it for objectionable parts.

Class Recordings (for registered members)



What's Next & Unit Homepage

Candide 12  - An Essay on the Novel.  There are three versions of the essay for Candide here.  There is one designed to be done as homework.  That same essay prompt is also available in a version to be done in class - and finally, there is a version modeled after AP Literature Exams - complete with a Partner Workshop Handout to go over what they wrote.


  Candide 10 - Tending the Garden - A Final Discussion

Thoughts on the Lesson 

Even though I told parents about the movie, and much more objectionable movies and shows were being shown on Prime Time Television,  and these were Seniors who would soon be heading off to college - I still worried about showing this movie.  One year I was showing it and an assistant principal walked into my classroom.  Uh-oh.  I was sure I was doomed.  He asked - "Joe, is this The Graduate"?  "Yep" I nervously answered - sure I was in big trouble.  "I LOVE this movie" he said.  And he took a set with the class and watched along with us.  For the next several years - he found out when we'd be watching it - and he came and watched it along with us.  You never know. :)